How much is your data costing you?

Recent research carried out by Royal Mail found that approximately 6% of annual revenue is lost due to poor quality data. In monetary terms, that’s a sizeable impact on your bottom line. Of the 300 companies surveyed, 70% admitted to having customer data that was out of date. Given that data tends to decay at…

GDPR and the implications on your data

GDPR: Four letters that might not mean much to many. Yet…. In May 2018, under a year from now, the UK government is set to implement the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. GDPR applies to all organisations or businesses handling the data of EU citizens; regulating data collection, sharing and usage. Whilst the fallout from…

Direct Mail – Now it’s personal

We’ve all come home from work or dropping the kids off at school only to find our doormats littered with the latest offering; from the local clothes outlet retailer to the friendly estate agency offering a free valuation of your house. For some, sitting down and sifting through these offerings is part of the daily…