Prostate Cancer PSA Testing Event: A Case Study
When we were approached by a local prostate cancer charity to help with the mailing element of their PSA testing event, we jumped at the chance to be involved. Not just because we love to help the local community wherever we can, but also because the cause was such a compelling one to be involved with.
Prostate cancer claims the life of one man every hour in the UK and there are 40,000 new cases diagnosed each year. Early detection and treatment can vastly increase survival rates and so when this local charitable organisation put together a free PSA testing event at a local hospital for men over 45, we were more than happy to help out in any way we could.
Previous events had seen as many as 1500 men attending the event, and this year’s promised to attract even more. That amount of attendee’s brought it’s own challenges, particularly in terms of posting their results. The thought of merging, printing, enclosing and sealing potentially 2000+ letters led the Prostate Cancer Charity to consider outsourcing the requirement to a trusted source. We were delighted they contacted us and asked for our help.
With multiple data files containing the results of those tested and several letter types dependent on the outcome of those results, it was imperative the task was handled with the utmost attention to detail. With the information being extremely sensitive, it was crucial the mailing was handled securely and in line with DPA & GDPR regulations.
It’s safe to say the event was a resounding success, with it’s 2300 attendee’s making it the largest event of it’s kind hosted by an independent charity in the UK. The event ran so smoothly despite the huge turnout and the challenges that many people in one place can bring.
Once the men were tested and the last gulp of coffee and cake were digested, it was time to get to work. The speed at which the data was compiled and sorted was nothing short of incredible, meaning we at Herald Chase had plenty of time to print, enclose and despatch within a timely manner meaning people weren’t waiting too long for their results. It was particularly critical given that some of the men tested would require further assessment. Being used to very large mailing volumes, 2300 letters was a relatively simple task for us, even with the multiple letter versions and data files.
All in all, the experience for us here at Herald Chase was hugely positive and inspiring for all involved. We’re extremely grateful we were asked to be involved with such a fantastic cause.