Many companies carry out their mailing requirements in house, often with accounts departments or receptionists printing, enclosing and despatching invoices, remittance documents or general business mail. Aside from the obvious productivity issues this brings, in some cases there are often long term leases with franking machines, pre-printed stationery and envelope costs to consider.
Direct Marketing Services for Vehicle Management firms

We were approached by a large fleet vehicle management company who sent large volumes of invoices weekly to a number of customers throughout the UK and western Europe. Being a multi-site operation with offices across the UK, there was understandably a large and varied amount of communications being sent weekly on their behalf. Largely, the responsibility for despatching these mailings fell to the accounts team who would spend a significant amount of time each week collating, printing, enclosing and franking these invoices, impacting their productivity on the day to day tasks their roles demanded. Alongside the labour intensive process these mailings required, there were also significant costs attached to purchasing stationery, printing and franking & postage.
After some detailed discussions regarding their mailing requirements and expectations, Herald Chase was able to offer a fully outsourced mailing solution from data transfer to despatch. With PDF files received securely each week, we were able to sort and process the files by each region before printing, enclosing and despatching the same day. Full quality control procedures and proofing requirements were agreed by the client allowing them to retain control over their mailings, whilst a full suite of reporting detailing the volumes and dates despatched gave them comfort that their business mailings were being handled efficiently and securely.
They didn’t know such a service existed. By outsourcing their business mail, the client was able to streamline the entire mailing process and allow one point of contact to gather and collate the weekly invoices, before simply securely sending the PDF files to our mailing team for processing. The countless hours previously spent printing, enclosing and franking their invoices are now allocated to more business critical tasks. In addition to the increased productivity, the cost savings were significant. The client was able to cease their reliance on office franking machines and remove them completely, whilst also negating the need to spend on paper, toner cartridges and envelopes. Herald Chase’s ability to mailsort the data and therefore maximise the postage discounts available further justified their decision to outsource their business mail. The method of working was chosen in preference to our virtual printer driver , which offers a seamless solution for your daily mailing needs.